Don't pronounce/ Don't use

Those 24 words – with explanations


            These words written below are those 24 chairs St. John is speaking about in Revelation; the Table in the middle of the chairs is the world which will be judged by those 24 words.

            It is recommended to replace them with other words or expressions:


1.– the oath
2.– the curse
3.– the devil
4.– the evil (bad, wrong)
5.– Why did you do that?
6.– You shouldn’t have done that!
7.– You didn’t do it well!
8.– I don’t know.
9.– I can’t
10.– I fail
11.– the trouble
12.– the difficulty (the heavy, hard to…)
13.– the sorrow
14.– I don’t (won’t) go
15.– I don’t (won’t) do it
16.– I don’t want to
17.– I don’t see
18.– I don’t hear
19.– I don’t find
20.– I don’t understand
21.– I forgot
22.– I lost it
23.– I broke it
24.– I spoiled it

In order to do away with the effect of pronouncing these words the following prayer be uttered:

“Oh, Virgin Mary conceived by immaculate (ancient blameless) Conception. Pray for us who run to You and for those who don’t. Amen.”




The oath, the curse, the devil


These three words should be said under no circumstance (neither in joke nor repeating after the others). Saying them in mind has the same negative effect on the person we are thinking about. We should replace them with a blessing or we shouldn’t say anything. The Bible says:”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” (John 1/1) That means that words are god himself. That is why our manner of speaking must be decent, pure and we must say only what is necessary. We should talk little, since by a long and uncontrolled talk we loose a lot of energy. By using forbidden words we attract (towards) negative forces towards us. Sacred books say that each word surrounds the Earth. The angels and the devils are in the atmosphere (between the Earth and the Moon). They feel the vibration of the words uttered by us. If our words have positive vibration the angels approach us and while the devils do the contrary.


The evil (bad, wrong)


            It can be said in prayer, it can be written. Those who pronounce it will certainly will have part of it.


Why did you do that? You shouldn’t have done that! You didn’t do it well!


            These expressions are similar and by not using them we learn not to rebuke and not to make remarks on anybody. The word reaches the soul, it can caress it or kill it. We don’t have the right to judge anyone, there is only one judge, who is God and each of us will be punished according to his/her deeds. Replace these expressions with “you should do this way” and show them how they should do it. Quarrelsome persons have ugly, wrinkled faces while the kind ones who are willing to forgive any mistakes any time have calm, pleasant, bright faces.


I don’t know, I can’t, I fail


            These will have to be replaced by a simple “no” or “I’ll try”, “I’ll be able to”, “I’ll make it” or “I didn’t know”, “I couldn’t”, “I failed”.

Jesus says “take my yoke and my burden, for my yoke is sweet and burden is light”. Remember, this word is frecvently used and people get mte? big difficulties. (mention (our remark): probably the last two sentences form here refers to the twelfth word (difficulty(the heavy, hard to…))too, maybe is the explanation, for it too.)


The sorrow


(mention (our remark): we think that the following explanation it’s possible to be the explanation for the eleventh word (“the trouble”) too).

Even of it is part of our life, we have to treat it as if it didn’t exist. “Blessed are they that are persecuted for being just, for heaven is theirs.” “Blessed are they that cry, for those will be consoled”


I don’t go, I don’t do it, I don’t want to


            These words are the expressions of disobedience what hell was made for. One can use the expressions: “I don’t have to go”, “I don’t have to do it”, “it’s not good”. That is the source of most of the quarrels, misunderstandings in families, as they are used especially by children.

“Surrender to be victorious”

            Christ surrendered to the wickedness of the people, he didn’t quarreled with them he let himself be crucified and conquered the Earth not only for His time but forever. We are not asked to make such a sacrifice, only not to quarrel in the family, with parents, brothers, we are asked to be patient and willing to help.


I don’t see, I don’t hear, I don’t find


            These have to be used in the past form: “I didn’t see”, “I didn’t hear”, “I didn’t find”. I f we keep repeating them we get not to notice, not to hear what is around us, our mind becomes dull, and we’ll end up talking to ourselves in the street. Replace these words because in this way you’ll control your words and yourself in any situation.


I don’t understand


            We can use the past form: “I didn’t understand” or a simple “no” in order to avoid becoming intolerant.


I forgot


            It can be replaced by: “I can’t remember” or “it went out of my mind”.


I lost it


            To loose something is the result of our inattention and of our weaknesses. By using it frequently the risk of loosing the Kingdom of God appears as well.


I broke it


            It can be replaced by “It fell down”, “good luck”


I spoiled it


            It can range form breaking a toy to spoiling a marriage and so on. The deeds of the past must be put behind by constructive, edifying words and thought.


            It is important to pay attention to these 24 words since our whole life, our good or bad deeds depend on what we think, say and do. These words are dictated by DIVINITY to our beloved “Uncle Michail” who sacrifices his life for us sinners.

            We live in a selfish world, full of proud, conceited greedy people, lacking love. Some of them try to make use of dishonest things in order to reach happiness.

            Real happiness can be found only in God, to whom we can’t get without a acquiring the following qualities: kindness, generosity, listening (obedience), love, respect, giving up things, faith, hope, etc.

            From philosophical point of view it is said, and it’s true, that we surrounded by “good” and “negative”. Good is the one that ascends and evil is the one that descends. If we do a good deed it’s place doesn’t remain empty but the good will increase 10 times in that place try to follow this, when you do something good you feel better and will feel also the other person you do good to. Teach those who hear or see the deed to do it they themselves as well. If you are in a good mood all day long you can feel the power growing in you.

            Remember: the good Christian awaits the reward for the good deeds from God, not from his/her fellow men, so that the good deed should not become an exchange of deeds, a trade.

            When we do something wrong, a few day earlier we already feel heavy clouds darkening our mind and we can’t see in front of  our eyes but the person we want to wrong. Not even during night can we find our peace of mind, so we are completely under Satan’s control. Even more than 10 misfortunes befall us, even if we don’t know about them immediately. When we argue with somebody, we are nervous, we can’t eat any more, we can’t rest, we spread agitation all around us and if it happens frequently we’ll slowly fall ill.

            Many people will say they have done many bad thing and nothing happened to them. God doesn’t strike with a stick. The more the punishment is postponed the more painful it will be. Maybe when you almost forgot your bad deed, God strikes man where it hurts the most and when the world is the dearest to him, always reaching his soul. Often our children suffer directly or indirectly from the sins committed by their parents:

“For by thy words thou shalt be justified

and by thy words thou shalt be condemned”

(Matthew: 12, 37)